US Senators Introduce Bipartisan Bill to Declare Russia a ‘State Sponsor of Terrorism’

  Backlink: THE EPOCH TIMES Sens. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) and Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) on Wednesday introduced a bi-partisan bill that would designate the Russian government as a “state sponsor of terrorism.” It comes the same day that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy described Russia as a “terrorist state” after Russian forces fired a missile on the Karachunivske […]

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Rockefeller Foundation, non-profits spending millions on behavioral psychology research to ‘nudge’ more people to get COVID ‘vaccines’

  Backlink: LIFE SITE NEWS The Rockefeller Foundation, the National Science Foundation and other nonprofits are pouring millions of dollars into a research initiative ‘to increase uptake of COVID-19 vaccines and other recommended public health measures by countering mis- and disinformation.’ […]

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Joe Biden Not Worried About Inflation or Stock Market Plunge: ‘We’re Going to Be Fine’

  Backlink: BREITBART President Joe Biden shrugged off the latest unexpectedly high inflation numbers on Tuesday even as they triggered a sudden plunge in the stock market. “I think we’re going to be fine,” Biden told reporters Tuesday night when asked about the disappointing data release earlier in the day.       […]

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Kremlin is Protecting Putin By Admitting Russia’s Defeats in Ukraine: ISW

  Backlink: NEWS WEEK Kremlin officials and state media propagandists are acknowledging recent Russian defeats in Ukraine’s eastern Kharkiv region in a move meant to shield President Vladimir Putin from responsibility, according to the Institute for the Study of War (ISW).       […]

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Chinese Companies Lay Roots in Mexico to Evade US Tariffs

  Backlink: VISIONTIMES Mainland Chinese companies are laying down roots in Mexico in order to exploit a loophole around U.S. import tariffs. The issue came to light in a Sept. 13 Bloomberg article, which described the anecdote of a local real estate lawyer who turned a cattle ranch in Monterrey he inherited from his father into an […]

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Is the ship sinking? Big Tech begins to look for alternatives to ‘Made in China’

  Backlink: THE BL The announcement that Apple will start the production of its iPhone 14 in India at the end of October accelerated rumors that the company was looking to move its production out of China. Although it is not yet possible to cut off its dependence on the Asian giant, this first step could be […]

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CCP to increase cybersecurity personnel by 3.27 million: Rule through deception

  Backlink: THE BL The Ministry of Education of the Communist Party of China recently released a White Paper statement that said they would need to increase cybersecurity personnel by 3.27 million in the next five years. Analysis believes the CCP needs a large “cybersecurity army” to maintain internal stability and prepare for external cyber […]

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James Webb Space Telescope captures Orion Nebula with ‘breathtaking’ details

  Backlink: INTERESTTING ENGINEERING The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) has captured the most detailed and painstakingly sharp images ever taken of the inner region of the Orion Nebula, known as the “picture book of star formation.” The stellar nursery is situated in the constellation Orion, 1,350 light-years away from Earth. […]

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Inflation Returns: Consumer Prices Unexpectedly Rising Again

  Backlink: BREITBART After a brief respite in July from the worst inflation in forty years, consumer prices are rising again. Compared with a month earlier, the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ Consumer Price Index rose one-tenth of a percentage point. On a year-over-year basis, the CPI was up 8.3 percent.       […]

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‘Uninformed Consent’: 3 California Hospitals Face Lawsuits for Use of ‘Remdesivir Protocol’ Attorneys Allege Led to Wrongful Death

  Backlink: THE EPOCH TIMES Three hospitals in California face lawsuits alleging they treated patients with the controversial antiviral drug remdesivir without receiving informed consent, using a protocol which two attorneys allege led to wrongful death.       […]

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“The Sun Is Actually White”: Ex NASA Astronaut Confirms Space Fact

  Backlink: NDTV The real colour of the Sun is actually white and the reason the dwarf star generally looks yellow is because of a strange play of physics of light which makes the sun appear yellow most of the time. The sunlight is essentially all colours mixed together, which appear to our eyes as […]

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