Steel Was Used in Europe 2,900 Years Ago

Professor Sweet, who teaches history at the University of Wisconsin at Madison, is also the president of the American Historical Association (AHA). The AHA has more than 11,500 members. It publishes the American Historical Review, ‘the journal of record for the historical profession in the United States’. “If we don’t read the past through […]
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Backlink: THE BL Left in the Phrygian Valley of central Turkey were imprinted earth trails that age analysis dictated could have been there from 12 to 14 million years ago. “All these rocky fields were covered with the ruts left some millions of years ago….we are not talking about human beings,” he said, as […]
Link: THE BL The renowned prophet Datuk Zheng Bojian stated in his latest publication that for the remainder of the year there will be a series of catastrophes that will shake the world and August could be the fiercest. He also warned that the “dark forces” that are undermining Earth will rise up and […]
Link: ARYCHIDE Piglet Hell “KK Park” Live Organ Harvesting Ultra Brutal Forensic Doctor Gao Dacheng Reveals the Dark Inside Story of the Trade @中shinews.com Fraud cases in Cambodia have recently attracted attention. Some people from Taiwan went to Cambodia to become victims of human trafficking. In the KK Park in Myanmar, the methods are […]