Getting an HIV Vaccine to Market — Is That the Real Goal Behind COVID?

  Backlink: CHILREND ‘S HEALTH DEFENSE The COVID-19 vaccine is causing AIDS-like immunodepression, which helps create the perception that we have an urgent need for an HIV vaccine. On July 25, Chinese officials granted conditional approval to Azvudine, an HIV drug, to be used as a COVID-19 treatment. In late January 2020, Indian researchers published […]

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2 US Navy Warships Transit Through Taiwan Strait

  Backlink: NDTV China’s military said on Sunday it was monitoring U.S. Navy vessels sailing through the Taiwan Strait, maintaining a high alert and ready to defeat any provocations. Two United States warships sailed through the Taiwan Strait on Sunday, the American navy said, the first such transit since China staged unprecedented military drills around […]

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Chinese drillers work 15-hour days building wells in drought-hit Jiangxi

  Backlink: REUTERS Teams of drillers are working long hours to build wells to fight a devastating drought sweeping parts of China, farmers in Jiujiang city in the country’s central Jiangxi province told Reuters on Saturday. “These villages, all of them, are particularly dry,” said Gao Pucha, 42, who led one drilling team in Dashan […]

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Two Chinese local banks enter bankruptcy procedures

  Backlink: NIKKEI ASIA Authorities pounce on the cases, highlighting the sector’s risk factor. China’s banking regulator announced on Friday that two local banks in the northeastern province of Liaoning have entered bankruptcy procedures. The cases seem relatively modest, but the careful handling by authorities highlights the latent risks carried by the country’s smaller lenders. […]

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Federal Court Strikes Down Biden Administration’s Transgender Medical Mandate

  Backlink:  THE EPOCH TIMES A federal appeals court on Friday struck down a Biden administration statute that forced doctors to perform medical procedures, including gender-transition procedures, against their religious beliefs. The lower court’s ruling had permanently prohibited the U.S. Department of Health and Human Service (HHS) “from requiring Franciscan Alliance to perform gender-transition surgeries […]

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Poland signs $5.8 billion contract for South Korean arms

  Backlink: VISIONTIMES “Ten K2 tanks will arrive here, in Morag later this year and 24 K9 howitzers will arrive in the artillery regiment in Wegorzewo,” Polish Defence Minister Mariusz Blaszczak said after signing the deal in Polish army base in Morag, The parties have not announced the value of the entire deal, which South […]

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Fed’s Powell: ‘Pain’ of tight policy, slow growth needed ‘for some time’ to beat inflation

  Backlink: VISIONTIMES Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell said on Friday (August 26) in remarks warning there is no quick cure for fast rising prices. “Reducing inflation is likely to require a sustained period of below-trend growth. Moreover, there will very likely be some softening of labor market conditions. While higher interest rates, slower growth, […]

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The shameful secret of Mao Zedong and the Japanese, which hides the Chinese regime

  Backlink: THE BL The recent scandal, sparked by Chinese police harassing a girl for wearing a Japanese kimono, brought to light the secret of the actual relationship that the leader, Mao Zedong, had with the Japanese, which would embarrass the Chinese. It elaborates further, emphasizing, “Mao Zedong and Zhou Enlai thanked Japan many times […]

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What Are Black Hornets? The Cutting-Edge Micro-Drones Donated to Ukraine

  Backlink: NEWS WEEK British Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced Wednesday during a surprise visit to Ukraine that 850 Black Hornet micro-drones, which can easily fit into the palm of a human hand, would be given to the country as it continues to fight the Russian invasion. Designed for scouting and spying, the micro-drones are particularly useful […]

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Russian geologist analyse 12 million-year-old tracks and suggests vehicles were used before modern humans

  Backlink: THE BL Left in the Phrygian Valley of central Turkey were imprinted earth trails that age analysis dictated could have been there from 12 to 14 million years ago. “All these rocky fields were covered with the ruts left some millions of years ago….we are not talking about human beings,” he said, as […]

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Higher Cholesterol Is Associated With Longer Life

  Backlink: THE EPOCH TIMES Taking a global view of what cholesterol is and how it affects your body is a smarter way to approach it than the simple “cholesterol kills” narrative that’s been the drum beat for so many years. Cholesterol, the soft, waxy substance found in every cell in your body, is used […]

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Moderna Sues Pfizer Over COVID Vaccine Patent Infringement, But Patents ‘Belong to the World,’ Says Dr. Robert Malone

  Backlink: CHILREND’S HEALTH DEFENSE Moderna today filed patent infringement lawsuits against Pfizer and BioNTech, alleging the two companies copied Moderna’s patented mRNA technology. However, in an interview with The Defender, Dr. Robert Malone said the patents are derived from his own work on mRNA technology and they are now expired.     […]

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CCP tried to clean up its image with falsely awarded documentary on Hong Kong

  Backlink: THE BL On June 1, a press release announced that the film “Spring, seeing Hong Kong again” won the award for best documentary at the Prague Film Festival in the Czech Republic. CMP said that after investigating the information doesn’t stand up to close inspection. There is no Prague Film Festival and only two […]

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‘Europe’s biggest sauropod’ Palaeontologists have found the fossilised skeleton of an 82-foot long dinosaur

  Backlink: DAILY MAIL Fragments of bone were originally discovered by a Portuguese man in his garden. This could be the largest sauropod dinosaur – a subgroup characterised by their four legs, long neck and tail and herbivorous diet – ever to be found in Europe. Elisabete Malafaia, a researcher from the University of Lisbon, said: ‘It […]

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