Mock invasion of Taiwan exposes Chinese regime’s weak strategy, say experts

  Backlink: THE BL Taiwan has become the “crown jewel” for Western allies, which they are ready to defend at all costs against the growing aggression of the Chinese Communist Party. All the values that are enshrined in the island’s inhabitants, who cultivate the essence of classical Chinese culture, and the essence of Western democracy, […]

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GMO Purple Tomatoes Just Moved One Step Closer to Grocery Shelves — Should You Buy Them?

  Backlink: CHILDREN’S HEALTH DEFENSE The U.S. Department of Agriculture favorably reviewed genetically engineered purple tomatoes, engineered by Norfolk Plant Sciences to be rich in anthocyanins, the pigments that give blueberries, blackberries and certain other deeply-hued produce their color. […]

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Meta Researcher Wants to Inject intuition and Common Sense into AI

  Backlink: CURIOSMOS Earlier this year, a Google engineer made headlines around the world when he claimed that Google’s most advanced Artificial Intelligence system laMDA was conscious and aware of its existence. The story went on for weeks, the engineer was put on administrative leave and eventually fired. Before he left Google, the story developed […]

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Dozens Protest on Capitol Hill Following DACA Ruling

  Backlink: VISIONTIMES DACA, an acronym for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, is a policy that protects around 800,000 young people — known as “DREAMers” — who entered the United States unlawfully as children. The program does not grant them official legal status or a pathway to citizenship, but it does allow them to apply […]

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Taiwan prepares for possible trade blockade by the Chinese regime

  Backlink: THE BL The tension between China and Taiwan has risen following Nancy Pelosi’s visit to the island nation in August. International media closely followed Pelosi’s trip and the People’s Liberation Army movements. China responded with more military exercises, including rocket launches and air raids close to the median line dividing Chinese and Taiwanese […]

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The Chinese communist regime wants to elect the next ‘living Buddha’

  Backlink: THE BL During the 51st session of the U.N. Human Rights Council (UNHRC) on October 3, Beijing made clear it intends to anoint the next living Buddha; that is to appoint the next Dalai Lama. Experts from the China Tibetology Research Center spoke at the “International Webinar on the Religious Rituals and Historical Customs of […]

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Despite international outrage, UN won’t discuss Xinjiang abuses

  Backlink: THE BL A report revealing human rights abuses in Xinjiang by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) regime was published a few hours before the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Michelle Bachelet’s tenure in the position ended. The abuses against the Uyghur ethnic group caused international outrage and anger, with several governments and […]

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US Buys $290 Million Worth of Drugs in Preparation for Nuclear Emergencies

  Backlink: THE EPOCH TIMES The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is buying $290 million worth of drugs as part of its “long-standing, ongoing efforts to be better prepared to save lives following radiological and nuclear emergencies.” HHS is purchasing a supply of the drug Nplate from Amgen USA, a biotechnology headquartered in Thousand Oaks, […]

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Cantonese live-stream ban on TikTok accused of political manipulation

  Backlink: THE BL Recently, TikTok, China’s most popular short video sharing platform, was accused of banning Cantonese (Guangdong), which has caused pushback from a large number of Cantonese users. Some analysts point out that TikTok is worried about something happening because the “crucial moment” of the 20th National Congress is coming up.     […]

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Heinous trade Human flesh capsules what they are and how they are made

  Backlink: THE BL On September 28, 2022, Yonhap TV reported on the seizure of the so-called “human flesh capsules” in South Korea, two years after the last event related to this contraband. The meat capsules are manufactured from human fetuses that have been aborted naturally or induced. China’s active black market has been exporting this product […]

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Chinese officials provoked US with controversial messages

  Backlink: THE BL While Europe is investigating the culprit behind the sabotage of the Russian gas pipeline, the Chinese regime is using disinformation to undermine confidence in democratic countries. On September 30, the Chinese consul general in Northern Ireland, Zhang Meifang, circulated controversial messages incriminating Europe’s most important ally for the pipeline attacks.     […]

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