Putin fell down stairs, soiled himself as speculation over worsening health grows: report

  Backlink: NYPost Russian President Vladimir Putin fell down the stairs and soiled himself this week amid mounting speculation that his health is declining, an anti-Kremlin Telegram channel with apparent links to his security team reported. […]

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Putin Endorses Evacuations From Kherson Region Amid Protracted Ukraine Offensive

  Backlink: VISIONTIMES Russian President Vladimir Putin publicly endorsed the evacuation of civilians from parts of Ukraine’s southern Kherson region on Friday, Nov. 4. as Kiev continues its offensive to retake the province, or oblast. “Now, of course, those who live in Kherson should be removed from the zone of the most dangerous actions, because […]

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Putin jabs at West over Ukraine war, says operation going to plan

  Backlink: REUTERS  Russian President Vladimir Putin showed no regrets for the war against Ukraine, insisting it was going to plan and playing down any nuclear standoff with the West, while both sides prepared for what could be a key battle in Kherson in Ukraine’s south. Putin had a familiar litany of grievances against “Western opponents” as […]

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Triple Crowned Xi Might Attack Russia Instead of Taiwan, Western Media Claims

  Backlink: VISIONTIMES Chinese Communist Party leader Xi Jinping may play something of a black swan of his own, attacking Russian territory instead of Taiwan, western media claims in the wake of Xi’s appointment to a third term as President of the People’s Republic of China.       […]

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Putin May Force Lukashenko to Join War as Fear of Losing to Ukraine Grows

  Backlink: NEWS WEEK Russian President Vladimir Putin may eventually force Alexander Lukashenko, his Belarusian counterpart, to join his war against Ukraine, according to a Russia expert. Days after Lukashenko vowed to conduct joint deployments with Russian forces, the dictatorial leader of Belarus announced Friday that he has introduced “counterterrorist measures” in the country “in connection with […]

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McMaster on Putin threat: ‘If you use a nuclear weapon, it’s a suicide weapon’

  Backlink: THE HILLL Former national security adviser H.R. McMaster on Sunday cautioned Russian President Vladimir Putin against carrying out his threat of a nuclear attack, saying it would be a “suicide weapon.”Vladimir Putin against carrying out his threat of a nuclear attack, saying it would be a “suicide weapon.”       […]

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VTB Bank Urges Putin to Curb Western Grain Traders’ Russian Ops

  Backlink: VISIONTIMES Sanctions-hit VTB Bank has urged President Vladimir Putin to curb the activities of Western grain traders in Russia, citing the need to strengthen Russian traders’ role in the global market. In the letter, dated Sept. 14, VTB Chief Executive Andrei Kostin asked Putin to issue a decree to prohibit companies belonging to […]

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Across Russia, Putin’s Mobilization Seeps Deeper Into An Anxious Society

  Backlink: RADIO FREE EUROPE In some regions, men are driven off in buses, with wives, mothers, and sisters sobbing openly and waving goodbye. In other places, men say they’re steeling themselves for battle. On the borders with Kazakhstan, Georgia, and Mongolia, long lines of cars are reported as people try to urgently leave the […]

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“How To Break Arm” Becomes Russia’s Top Google Search After Putin Gives 4 Hours To Say Goodbye To Families

  Backlink: NDTV Shortly after Russian President Vladimir Putin announced that he will deploy citizens to fight Ukraine on Wednesday, “how to break an arm at home” became the top Google search in Russia. The Russians also bought one-way plane tickets out of the country after the announcement.       […]

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Putin Accuses West of ‘Nuclear Blackmail’, Announces Conscription to Boost Russian Army

  Backlink: BREITBART Russian leader Vladimir Putin announced the beginning of a partial military conscription in a speech on Wednesday in which he accused the West of “nuclear blackmail” and trying to “destroy” Russia.       […]

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Putin Facing a Mountain of Crippling Sanctions Following Invasion of Ukraine

  Backlink: VISIONTIMES Following Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, nation’s across the globe unleashed a barrage of sanctions aimed at crippling Russia’s invasion effort and economy. The United States has joined its European allies in dramatically escalating financial penalties after initial sanctions did little to deter Putin’s plans for Ukraine.       […]

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